Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Female Gothic

In these female gothics the women seem to have no friends when they need them the most. Women back then depended on men for everything and I think the authors are saying that you need to have a close female friendship, someone you can trust, when men let you down. In "Lois the Witch" Lois needed a friend most when Prudence wrongfully accused her and she had no one to turn too. She was going to depend on Hanasseh but he had gone mad and she couldn't depend on him yet she had made no real girl friends so no one was their to help her. In the end of "Lois the Witch" Lois finds comfort in Natee ,who she once thought was a witch, because she had someone to lean on and comfort her and they could grieve together. There is some what of a Cinderella story in "Lois the Witch" but it doesn't end how it's suppose to the man doesn't get there in time. I think the author is saying once again don't depend on men for everything do it yourself. Lois was hoping that Hugh Lucy would come and save her from death yet he didn't come till after she was dead. I think their are a lot of prejudices in "Lois the Witch". In New England no one liked the Indians they were scared of them and made them slaves. I think in the end the Indian Natee was redempted because Lois became friends with her when she didn't like her at all before. Also their were prejudices between the two England and New England on religion, the Puritans thought the Catholics were wrong and the other way around also. It almost seemed as if the writer showed New Englanders to be weak and stupid. The New Englanders couldn't ward off the Indians and they were scared and then they wrongfully accused all those witches and sentenced them to death. When women support each other good things come of it but when they depend on men they let them down. These writers are supporting the women and her stand in society.

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